⋆ Diogo Defante ⋆
⋆ CREW ⋆
⋆ Music Video by Max Gleiser ⋆
⋆ Producer Max Gleiser⋆ Director Daniel Ferro ⋆ Co-Director Bruno Rocha ⋆
⋆ Music Producer Victor Levi ⋆ Agent Bruna Alvarenga ⋆ Choreography Bella Fernandes ⋆
⋆ Makeup Artist Melissa Atencia ⋆ Director of Photography Fernando Duarte ⋆ Camera Op. JB Muniz ⋆
⋆ Gaffer Renato Silva ⋆ Keygrip Douglas Manhães ⋆ Electric Marcio Luis ⋆ Lukas Silva ⋆
⋆ Makeup Assistant Diana Vasconcellos ⋆ Wardrobe Anna Limazzi ⋆ Rolly Medeiros ⋆
⋆ Art A Cecília Cabral ⋆ Clara Mool ⋆ Art Producer Paulla Carniell ⋆ Set Builder Joel Souza ⋆
⋆ Colour Grading Cora Post ⋆ Still Setff ⋆ Making Of Pedro Habibey ⋆ Set Care Tia beleza ⋆
⋆ Jerry & Captain Diogo Defante ⋆
⋆ Isanji Isau Júnior ⋆ Zorex Thiago Rex ⋆ Lughpper Lugh ⋆
⋆ Feyopp Fey ⋆ Nampha Rapha Harley ⋆ Vinbin Vince ⋆
⋆ Levrook Victor Levi ⋆ Franfante Hugo Defante ⋆ Tonbei Ton Oliveira ⋆
⋆ Shot on RED with ZEISS Distagon ⋆